the world she was known as 'Hannah Montana' as she was from the Disney side of the industry her target audience were younger. But as she has left the show and is starting her own career, she used to be weak with the male audience's therefore completely changing her look and the way she shows herself to the audience has drastically changed.
The internet has impacted on Miley Cyrus as there is a relaxation of censorship, people are becoming desensitised where someone is less likely to feel shocked or distressed at scenes of cruelty, violence, or suffering by overexposure to such of these images. Therefore this encourages Miley Cyrus to push the boundaries even higher by going to another level and producing sexual appealing videos to attract a wider range audience. An example of this is in her recent video Miley Cyrus: 'Wrecking Ball'

In my opinion, the introduction of the internet has impacted female celebrities in a negative way. The females are immune to seeing other singers latest videos, and what's hot right now. Because the female wants to be 'better' than the other females celebs out there and want to attract there audience to another level, rising higher. The audiences have increasingly desensitised to female videos, they are immune to the fact that females act crazy and are sexually appealing by wearing less and less clothes every time. Therefore, to a certain extent this has a big impact on the females in the music industry, as they will do something more appealing for the audience. And they are aware that they won't surprise the audience, because they have already become immune to this type of 'imagery'. This links to Dyers and Utopia's theory as audience's consume text because they are in social tension, but when they consume the media they find energy.
Linked production piece
In my production piece I currently have three ideas, one is making a reality-TV show this will include things about teenagers and women. Showing a teenager and how she looks up to celebrities but the celebrities are acting in a very negative way because of the impact of the internet. Another idea is a news report, this can cover my groups ideas as the news reporter can start of each for example scene and speak about it so they are consistently informing the audience. The third idea is to do a celebrity TV news show this is primarily based on celebrities and we can imitate other Hollywood news shows such 'E NEWS!'. And report how for an example, celebrities are continuously changing over the period of time and introducing an example of a music video and how the main reason is the internet which has impacted their behaviour.
1. Representation: female singers in the music industry are being represented as a negative influence through the internet which has impacted there attitudes. The subject is being represented in this way as females attitudes and how they are being portrayed through their music videos have been downgraded. As time passes by more and more of the public are becoming immune to being desensitised, which gives the celebrities the motivation to go ahead and perform way better and outrage the audience to grab hold of their attention. As for an example, mise-en-scene is strongly used through clothing females in the music industry are wearing less and less clothing. A realistic example of this is Rihanna's latest music video entitled "Pour it up" here she explicitly shows of her body by wearing a bikini, and dances against the pole with her costume this connotes how sexually appealing she wants to be to her audience. And is happy with the way she portrays herself as she 'twerks' and as the lines are 'I've still got my money' showing how successful she is and she can do whatever she wants.
The target audience are both females and males believe the psychographics for the audience is mainstreams as they want to go with the flow and they don't want to stand out. Within the society people are immune to fitting in and watching 'mainstream' videos. Within these mainstream videos consist of people showing themselves in a way they know people expect them too through dancing and showing themselves explicitly. The demographics for this I believe is, D-E which is semi and unskilled manual workers, drivers, post sorters, labourers etc. And people who are subsiding on state benefits, the unemployed, students, pensioners etc. The narrative is organised and structured through woman being represented in the music industry by the internet impacting them in a negative way, and how it thus effects the society we are living in today.
Socially and Historically
In the 1960s, women started emerging from social roles placed on them by men from beginning of patriarchy World History Text Book, 4,000 BCE. This means that women stopped trying to fit into the stereotypical housewife/mother role, and started to embrace their sexuality, as well as demanding equal rights in working outside the home and contributing to society, and controlling their finances and bodies. As music videos didn't really start until MTV came out in the 1980s, sexualization in songs was wrapped up in the lyrics. Which millions enjoy listening too examples are:

It was an itsy-bitsy teenie-weenie yellow polka dot bikini that she wore for the first time today, itsy bitsy teenie weenie yellow polka dot bikini, Brian Hyland.
hypodermic needle which injects messages through the audiences head. This is related to the music videos which the females singers present, as they want to show the message of for an example Rihanna, she wants to be sexually appealing and appetising the audiences. And they get the message through their heads and will continue watching this.
Dyers entertainment and Utopia- audiences want to consume media because they are going through social tension but when they consume media they receive energy. And this is the reason some people may want to view women being shown like this, as they find relieve and entertainment.
this is the relationship between objects (signified) and the meaning which is the (signifier) a system of meanings, a generic understanding used in all texts. This has links to semiotics for an example, red can be symbolised as anger or passion and this can be understood by people who consume the text. For an example, when a singer wants to show she's calm and peaceful and showing a slow song she would wear white in the video so the audience understand this and can relate.
this rejects structuralism, that nothing can be represented as 'real' or the truth. Meaning of objects cannot be fixed: polysemic. Therefore what is shown isn't exactly how it is, as sense are cut off, and some of it may be script written. This is true in the music videos being shown to the audience they may not in fact be going through these specific emotions and may not be intensely feeling it, however the director or producer may have scripted this so they stick to it. But the audience may be consuming it thinking it's the truth and the singer actually feels or is going through those issues or problems.
The internet has impacted on Miley Cyrus as there is a relaxation of censorship, people are becoming desensitised where someone is less likely to feel shocked or distressed at scenes of cruelty, violence, or suffering by overexposure to such of these images. Therefore this encourages Miley Cyrus to push the boundaries even higher by going to another level and producing sexual appealing videos to attract a wider range audience. An example of this is in her recent video Miley Cyrus: 'Wrecking Ball'
In my opinion, the introduction of the internet has impacted female celebrities in a negative way. The females are immune to seeing other singers latest videos, and what's hot right now. Because the female wants to be 'better' than the other females celebs out there and want to attract there audience to another level, rising higher. The audiences have increasingly desensitised to female videos, they are immune to the fact that females act crazy and are sexually appealing by wearing less and less clothes every time. Therefore, to a certain extent this has a big impact on the females in the music industry, as they will do something more appealing for the audience. And they are aware that they won't surprise the audience, because they have already become immune to this type of 'imagery'. This links to Dyers and Utopia's theory as audience's consume text because they are in social tension, but when they consume the media they find energy.
Linked production piece
In my production piece I currently have three ideas, one is making a reality-TV show this will include things about teenagers and women. Showing a teenager and how she looks up to celebrities but the celebrities are acting in a very negative way because of the impact of the internet. Another idea is a news report, this can cover my groups ideas as the news reporter can start of each for example scene and speak about it so they are consistently informing the audience. The third idea is to do a celebrity TV news show this is primarily based on celebrities and we can imitate other Hollywood news shows such 'E NEWS!'. And report how for an example, celebrities are continuously changing over the period of time and introducing an example of a music video and how the main reason is the internet which has impacted their behaviour.
1. Representation: female singers in the music industry are being represented as a negative influence through the internet which has impacted there attitudes. The subject is being represented in this way as females attitudes and how they are being portrayed through their music videos have been downgraded. As time passes by more and more of the public are becoming immune to being desensitised, which gives the celebrities the motivation to go ahead and perform way better and outrage the audience to grab hold of their attention. As for an example, mise-en-scene is strongly used through clothing females in the music industry are wearing less and less clothing. A realistic example of this is Rihanna's latest music video entitled "Pour it up" here she explicitly shows of her body by wearing a bikini, and dances against the pole with her costume this connotes how sexually appealing she wants to be to her audience. And is happy with the way she portrays herself as she 'twerks' and as the lines are 'I've still got my money' showing how successful she is and she can do whatever she wants.
The target audience are both females and males believe the psychographics for the audience is mainstreams as they want to go with the flow and they don't want to stand out. Within the society people are immune to fitting in and watching 'mainstream' videos. Within these mainstream videos consist of people showing themselves in a way they know people expect them too through dancing and showing themselves explicitly. The demographics for this I believe is, D-E which is semi and unskilled manual workers, drivers, post sorters, labourers etc. And people who are subsiding on state benefits, the unemployed, students, pensioners etc. The narrative is organised and structured through woman being represented in the music industry by the internet impacting them in a negative way, and how it thus effects the society we are living in today.
Socially and Historically
In the 1960s, women started emerging from social roles placed on them by men from beginning of patriarchy World History Text Book, 4,000 BCE. This means that women stopped trying to fit into the stereotypical housewife/mother role, and started to embrace their sexuality, as well as demanding equal rights in working outside the home and contributing to society, and controlling their finances and bodies. As music videos didn't really start until MTV came out in the 1980s, sexualization in songs was wrapped up in the lyrics. Which millions enjoy listening too examples are:
Well she was just seventeen/ and you know what I mean/ and the way she looked was way beyond compare I saw her standing there' The Beatles
It was an itsy-bitsy teenie-weenie yellow polka dot bikini that she wore for the first time today, itsy bitsy teenie weenie yellow polka dot bikini, Brian Hyland.
A few years later in the midst of the summer of 'love' in 1967, a sexual revolution occurred, and women became even more freed from their gendered societal norms (something that is usual, typical, or standard) Some women in the music industry started to take charge of their own bodies and embrace their sexuality. And some started to try to appeal to male audiences by sexualizing themselves, which has remain evident and widely prevalent in today's music industry such as female artists like: Britney Spears, Katy Perry and Ke$ha.
As we are living in the economic crisis and rescission has made it hard for people to spend their money optionally. This results in Limited access to economic power which has made it hard for women to function in the music sphere as musicians, band leaders, managers, promoters and producers. As a result women end up as backing vocalists and dancers, at the mercy of their 'male' bosses. To be a band leader, manager, promoter or producer needs financial banking, which women don't necessarily have. Men are the ones who determine what happens in the music industry because they finance the music projects. This makes it hard for women to come in the music industry, however as the internet has become very popular sites such as: YouTube can make someone really well known and famous through the subscribers and views. Also social networking sites such as MySpace. As women in this generation are seemingly more independent and strong and want their voices heard they would go through the internet. Which would impact them to go through the music industry successfully and would help make them feel that's where they belong, therefore gradually the internet will start to impact them and change their outlook to fans and to make sure they have a wide spread fan base they may want to appeal to them through sexually showing their body and capturing the attentions.
You see, the promotion of music is politics, and a lot more goes on behind the scenes. It's way more complicated than walking into the studio and recording. You (or more accurately the record company) have to worry about image, artistic directions, demographic considerations, marketing, censorships, courting radio and music networks through legal means, and paying close attention to trends. It's never just about music. Women cannot just be musicians ,but are also lawyers, accountants and managers. Young upcoming artists are prone to becoming victims of these types of record deals. This links with the 80s and 90s when new female artists were victims of these deals.
As we are living in the economic crisis and rescission has made it hard for people to spend their money optionally. This results in Limited access to economic power which has made it hard for women to function in the music sphere as musicians, band leaders, managers, promoters and producers. As a result women end up as backing vocalists and dancers, at the mercy of their 'male' bosses. To be a band leader, manager, promoter or producer needs financial banking, which women don't necessarily have. Men are the ones who determine what happens in the music industry because they finance the music projects. This makes it hard for women to come in the music industry, however as the internet has become very popular sites such as: YouTube can make someone really well known and famous through the subscribers and views. Also social networking sites such as MySpace. As women in this generation are seemingly more independent and strong and want their voices heard they would go through the internet. Which would impact them to go through the music industry successfully and would help make them feel that's where they belong, therefore gradually the internet will start to impact them and change their outlook to fans and to make sure they have a wide spread fan base they may want to appeal to them through sexually showing their body and capturing the attentions.
You see, the promotion of music is politics, and a lot more goes on behind the scenes. It's way more complicated than walking into the studio and recording. You (or more accurately the record company) have to worry about image, artistic directions, demographic considerations, marketing, censorships, courting radio and music networks through legal means, and paying close attention to trends. It's never just about music. Women cannot just be musicians ,but are also lawyers, accountants and managers. Young upcoming artists are prone to becoming victims of these types of record deals. This links with the 80s and 90s when new female artists were victims of these deals.
audience theorieshypodermic needle which injects messages through the audiences head. This is related to the music videos which the females singers present, as they want to show the message of for an example Rihanna, she wants to be sexually appealing and appetising the audiences. And they get the message through their heads and will continue watching this.
Dyers entertainment and Utopia- audiences want to consume media because they are going through social tension but when they consume media they receive energy. And this is the reason some people may want to view women being shown like this, as they find relieve and entertainment.
this is the relationship between objects (signified) and the meaning which is the (signifier) a system of meanings, a generic understanding used in all texts. This has links to semiotics for an example, red can be symbolised as anger or passion and this can be understood by people who consume the text. For an example, when a singer wants to show she's calm and peaceful and showing a slow song she would wear white in the video so the audience understand this and can relate.
this rejects structuralism, that nothing can be represented as 'real' or the truth. Meaning of objects cannot be fixed: polysemic. Therefore what is shown isn't exactly how it is, as sense are cut off, and some of it may be script written. This is true in the music videos being shown to the audience they may not in fact be going through these specific emotions and may not be intensely feeling it, however the director or producer may have scripted this so they stick to it. But the audience may be consuming it thinking it's the truth and the singer actually feels or is going through those issues or problems.
Media texts
I will be discussing areass of the representation of females in the music industry and how the internet has impacted them. As my question is 'how is the introduction of the internet impacted, upon the representation of woman in the music industry in texts such as Miley Cyrus' 'Wrecking Ball'? My main focus for the media text will be based upon Miley Cyrus's video and other texts she's represented in such as e-media: social networking site, Twitter. How shes for an example, being represented through the internet and how the audience views her.
TV documentaries
10 internet links This link talks about the issue of sexualisation and women. s Talks about the huge rise in sexualisation of women but not men s Sex and relationships in the media s Gender ads website that looks into why and how are males and females sexualised. Talks about how sexualisation in the media can harm young girls Talks about how a sexually provacotive TV advert has been Talks about how and why sex sells Link on how sexual messages are portrayed in advertising A article on the media influence on youth in ways such as advertisments Article on how messages reinforce sexual stereotypes Women on television
This study fits into the contemporary media landscape due to the rise in how men and especially women are sexualised on television adverts as visual eye candy and sex objects in order to sell a product.