Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Critical Investigation: Task #2


1. "For me, nudity has never been something that I've ever tripped about. I don’t really see it the way everyone else sees it, ”“I’d rather be naked than cry in front of people, because I don’t like showing weakness and that’s a lot of vulnerabilities.” 
Even though Miley was fully naked on a gigantic grey ball while she sings wrecking ball. She states"It was so natural and organic".VEVO presented her with the award of most views on record, scoring over a 100 million views for each video:“We Can’t Be Tamed,” “We Can’t Stop” and “Wrecking Ball.” 
Paragraph 3- Tuesday, October 29 2013- Hollywood Life - By HL Intern 

As Miley Cyrus has become an older person and is growing quickly, she wants the world to notice that. But as she has had her heart broken she wants to show the world that she is a very strong person that's why her statement is that instead of showing signs of weakness she'd rather show herself of to the public naked. She likes being 'natural and organic' as shown in her wrecking ball music video. This evidently presents her in a different light, as from this it shows that she wants to be a role model for those insecure girls who don't feel comfortable around their skin.

2. Joan Jacob Brumberg 
Joan decided to trace female plight of self consciousness in American and European societies, where women have experienced a great deal of concern about their body image and physical changes that occur during the natural development. The mass media as an agent of culture has reinforced an ideal image that girls are too strive for an attain, therefore placing more emphasis on good looks than on good works.Women today enjoy greater freedom and more opportunities than their counterparts of the past, they are under more cultural pressure to look good.The gender differences are that girls begin to suffer bouts of clinical depression from the frustration that they experience when their bodies change.By the age thirteen, 53 percent of american girls are unhappy with their bodies; by the age of seventeen, 78% are dissatisfied. Societies influence: women found in their body image a sense of self definition and a way to announce who they are to the world. Today many young girls worry about the contours of the bodies especially shape, size and the muscle tone because they believe that the body is the ultimate expression of the self. Societies influence: fashion and the film industry are two huge influences on societal expectations that women display their bodies sexually. The sexual revolution liberated women from her Victorian of modesty but also demanded  commitment to diet and beauty.

Powerpoint by Melaine Lord- 2013, Title: Feminist theory: Reference Belief in the social, political, and economic equality of the sexes, the movement organised around this belief.

Bibme: Bibliography

Works Cited
Fondermann, Tonia. The medial mirror: female representations in men's and women's magazines. Norderstedt, Germany: GRIN Verlag, 2002. Print.
Holmes, Su., and Diane Negra. In the limelight and under the microscope: forms and functions of female celebrity. New York: Continuum, 2011. Print.
Lieb, Kristin. Gender, branding, and the modern music industry: the social construction of female popular music stars. New York: Routledge, 2013. Print.
Zaslow, Emilie. Feminism, Inc.: coming of age in girl power media culture. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009. Print.

MLA formatting by BibMe.org.

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